Dear Sentimental Bride, when it comes to tissues on your big day, wield them like the precious currency they are. Don't be too hasty in doling out those tear-catchers; there's a crucial difference between eyes welling up and a single tear gracefully making its way down a cheek. You're not running a tissue charity, after all. Let those emotions marinate a bit. Your goal is not just a beautifully orchestrated ceremony but also to create those picture-perfect moments where your husband can sweep in like a tissue-wielding hero to delicately wipe away a solitary tear. It's the kind of swoon-worthy gesture that Hallmark movies are made of. So, hold back those tissues, let the tear-worthy moments unfold, and ensure your wedding day is not just a celebration of love but also a showcase of tear management finesse. After all, a single tear can be more precious than a bouquet of roses. Happy tear-wrangling!